What's So Special About the Best Online Training?
Online courses have become the most popular kind of training and nowadays it's easy to find one that claims to address your learning needs. But how do you find the best online training? How do you know you won't waste your time and money, or even worse, learn something that isn't even true? We'll show you what factors to consider.
The Quality Difference
When it comes to learning, the quality of the curriculum, as well as the spoken and visual presentation of the content, determines the training's effectiveness. In addition, the usability of the learning platform impacts learning, while accreditation and course certificates determine how others will perceive your credentials.
We made sure that our ISO 9001 online training excels in all categories to make it the best online training available.
Solid Curriculum
Our team of senior consultants, instructors and lead auditors have designed a comprehensive curriculum that gradually develops competence. It's important not only to address all topics but to do so in the optimal sequence, supported by practical examples that learners can relate to.
Recognizing that voice is of utmost importance when it comes to effective teaching, we use an experienced e-learning instructor who presents all courses in clear, accent-free English in a professional sound studio. We never use computer-generated audio, nor do we use non-native speakers with strong accents.
Our ISO 9001 online courses are illustrated with rich graphics and animations by our award-winning graphic designer. According to scientific research, good visuals decrease learning time, improve comprehension, enhance retrieval, and increase retention.
Learning Platform
Our Learning Management System (LMS) uses a modern interface that's easy for anyone to use. It works reliably on any device – even with slow internet connections – to ensure the best online learning experience.
Some people consider the course certificate the most important part of an online course. A good certificate ensures that your competencies are recognized worldwide and can be used to enhance career opportunities.
Our Certificates of Attainment impress through their Exemplar Global and ISC certification marks, through their listing of continuing education units (CEU) and competency units, and their verification and blockchain security. Easily share your credentials with the click of a button on LinkedIn and other social media, and add them to your online resume.
Another indicator to consider when judging the quality of e-learning is accreditation. While third-party certification doesn't guarantee that it's the best online course, an accreditation mark increases the value of the course certificate.
9001Simplified is an Exemplar Global Certified Training Provider and Examiner (TPECS). It's Exemplar Global's highest and most prestigious recognition.
TPECS status enables us to issue Competency Units which are certified proof that the needed competencies in quality management and auditing have been acquired. This means that our Certificates of Attainment are evidence of acquired competence – not merely of completed training.
Selecting the best course has important implications for your learning process and outcomes. The field is crowded with all kinds of training providers but with an understanding of the most important factors, you are ready to evaluate providers and courses, and choose the best online training for your needs.
Take a look at our ISO 9001 online training and compare it to any other e-learning course on the market.